Tuesday, June 15, 2021

LifeMap Investment


Revolutionary investment platform in cryptocurrency

With the rise of cryptocurrency, it is common to look into ways to invest Bitcoin and earn. After all, people invest a range of other types of assets, so why not Bitcoin? The good news is that there are several ways to earn more Bitcoin, including earning daily Bitcoin interest.

Ways to Make Money With Bitcoin

Before getting into how to invest Bitcoin and earn, it helps to build a frame of reference by considering the various ways that you can make money with this cryptocurrency. There are numerous options, with varying results. We are not including mining, as that is no longer profitable for the average person.

Find Micro-earnings

There are numerous opportunities for micro-earnings with Bitcoin. These are typically simple tasks like playing games, watching videos, or completing a captcha. These are also tasks you could do for cents an hour in fiat currency, and unfortunately, the earnings are similar in Bitcoin. As such, this is not a very effective method if you want to increase your Bitcoin steadily.

LifeMap investment

lifemapinvestment.com is a Uk-based Investment company with offices in USA,Turkey, Russia, Australia and Dubai UAE, Asia. We are a dynamic group whose main focus is to provide our clients with the best possible service, We apply a systematic and quantitative approach to investment management, with the aim of generating high-quality and diversifying alpha for its clients’ portfolios.

The company offers long term and short term investment opportunities, LifeMap Investments Financial Service was established in 2002 and it initially began trading stocks, shares and bonds, it got involved in forex trading in 2008 and was among the pioneer traders of Crypto-currencies in the advent of Bitcoin in 2010.The company also approve loan to thier investor, involve in forex trading and real estate.

Why choose us?

UK Registered Company

Our company is legally registered in Companies House as “lifemapinvestment.com” .

Dedicated Server

We use a dedicated server with the highest level of DDOS protection to ensure that your funds are always safe with us.

24/7 Customer Support

We provide 24/7 customer support through e-mail, telegram & facebook. Our support representatives are always available to answer any questions.

DDoS Protected System

We use the highest level of protection . Our website can resists attacks of any size.

EV SSL Encryption

Our website is secured with 256-bit encryption from Digicert Inc with Extended Validation that verifies the authenticity of our company.

Instant Withdrawals

Your withdrawals are all processed instantly after they are requested. If you invested using cryptocurrencies the minimum withdrawal amount is 2 USD. In case if you are using Perfect Money or Payeer the minimum withdrawal amount is 0.50 USD.

Our Awesome plan

Beginner plan 8 % After 24 Hours Minimum : 50.0 USD Maximum : 4,999.0 USD Deposit : Included SIGN UP

Intermediate plan 16 % After 48 Hours Minimum : 4,500.0 USD Maximum : 7,999.0 USD Deposit : Included SIGN UP

Advanced plan 30 % After 72 Hours Minimum : 8,000.0 USD Maximum : 14,999.0 USD Deposit : Included SIGN UP

Pro plan 50 % After 5 Days Minimum : 15,000.0 USD Maximum : 2,000,000.0 USD Deposit : Included SIGN UP

http://lifemapinvestment.com/?ref=RosaliciaBronze Mining 100 % After 8 Days Minimum : 4,000.0 USD Maximum : 14,999.0 USD Deposit : Included SIGN UP

Silver Plan 140 % After 25 Days Minimum : 15,000.0 USD Maximum : 49,999.0 USD Deposit : Included SIGN UP

Gold Plan 180 % After 60 Days Minimum : 50,000.0 USD Maximum : 2,000,000.0 USD Principal back at : anytime SIGN UP Calculator Select Plan Investment Amount Total Percent ($)
Total Profit ($)

This my proof for earning in lifemap investment:

For more information please contact me in telegram:

Rosalicia Miciela




Tuesday, February 16, 2021



Rise Protocol adalah aset rebasing sintetis dengan kemampuan unik untuk menentukan aset atau kombinasi aset apa pun. Yang pertama di antara token rebase, Rise juga menggabungkan perolehan hasil tanpa gesekan untuk pemegang hadiah, pembuatan likuiditas otomatis dan distribusi hadiah otomatis untuk penyedia likuiditas, dan mekanisme deflasi yang meningkatkan efek dari waktu ke waktu.

 Keistimewaan Rise Protocol:

 1. Rebase Token Token Rebase awalnya dipatok ke Ethereum dengan mekanisme deflasi "Supermassive Black Hole" yang kuat.

 2. Pasak Dinamis Sepenuhnya dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan pasar dan perilaku investor, pasak dapat diubah ke aset atau kelas aset apa pun (BTC, DOT, LINK, USDC, dll.) Di masa mendatang. Ini akan dikontrol melalui pemerintahan. 

3. Hasil Tanpa Gesekan 2% dari setiap transaksi (kecuali membeli) didistribusikan secara instan dan otomatis ke semua pemegang Rise. Anda akan melihat saldo dompet Anda meningkat dengan setiap transaksi!

 4. Penghasil Likuiditas Otomatis 1% dari setiap penjualan secara permanen terkunci dalam likuiditas, yang berarti likuiditas dan lantai penjualan yang terus meningkat 

5. Imbalan Penyedia Likuiditas 1% dari setiap penjualan secara otomatis didistribusikan ke penyedia likuiditas kami sebagai hadiah. Jika Anda menyediakan likuiditas, token LP Uniswap Anda secara otomatis akan meningkat nilainya dari waktu ke waktu. 

Bagaimana cara kerja Rise Protocol

Rise Protocol berjalan di jaringan Ethereum, platform terdesentralisasi paling populer di dunia. Dengan sejumlah besar teknologi canggih, seperti hasil tanpa gesekan, pasak dinamis dan mudah beradaptasi, mekanisme deflasi yang kuat, dan pembuatan likuiditas otomatis menjadikan Rise Protocol token rebase paling canggih di dunia. Persentase dari setiap transaksi beli dan jual didistribusikan secara otomatis ke semua pemegang yang berarti token tambahan untuk tidak melakukan apa pun, kecuali memegang token di dompet Anda. 

 Rise Protocol adalah masalahnya Token rebase lainnya memiliki pasak statis yang tidak pernah dapat diubah, yang berarti saat sentimen pasar dan investor berubah, mereka gagal beradaptasi dengannya. Protokol Rise memecahkan cacat desain ini dengan pasak kami yang dapat beradaptasi dan dinamis. Hal ini memungkinkan fleksibilitas dan kemampuan beradaptasi yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya dalam token rebase. Kenaikan itu unik dan dapat dipatok ke aset apa pun. Pasak awal kami akan disetel ke 0,01 ETH. Ini juga menggunakan "lag" yang mengontrol jumlah rebase agar tidak terlalu menggembungkan atau menurunkan pasokan kami. Jika lag adalah 5 dan kita berhak mendapatkan rebase 100%, itu dibagi dengan 5 memberikan rebase 20%. Hal ini memastikan keberlanjutan proyek ditambah dengan mekanisme deflasi lainnya. Lag dapat disesuaikan tergantung pada kondisi pasar. 

 Apa keunggulan kunci Rise Protocol


Rise Protocol memiliki kemampuan unik untuk menentukan kelas aset atau kombinasi aset apa pun. Token rebase lainnya memiliki pasak statis yang tidak pernah dapat diubah, yang berarti saat sentimen pasar dan investor berubah, mereka gagal beradaptasi dengannya. Protokol Rise memecahkan cacat desain ini dengan pasak kami yang dapat disesuaikan. Tidak seperti token rebase lainnya, Rise juga menggabungkan perolehan hasil tanpa gesekan ke pemegang hadiah, pembuatan likuiditas otomatis, dan distribusi hadiah otomatis untuk penyedia likuiditas. Token rebase lainnya akan menghapus token setiap hari dari dompet Anda jika harga token di bawah pasak. Rise Protocol memiliki mekanisme deflasi yang kuat yang semakin berpengaruh dari waktu ke waktu. Jika rebase positif tidak tercapai 3 hari berturut-turut, maka penyesuaian penawaran terjadi untuk membawa harga Kenaikan kembali ke pasak. 

 Mengapa pasar membutuhkan Rise Protocol

 Rise Protocol adalah token rebase paling canggih di dunia yang melalui tata kelola dapat diadaptasi dan secara dinamis dipatok ke kelas aset apa pun tergantung pada investor dan sentimen pasar, memungkinkan tingkat fleksibilitas dan kemampuan beradaptasi yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya dalam token rebase apa pun. Rebase harian terjadi jika harga token di atas pasak, yang berarti pemegang secara otomatis akan menerima lebih banyak token di dompet mereka. Ada mekanisme deflasi yang kuat untuk mempertahankan nilai Kenaikan sesuai pasaknya, tetapi jika setelah 3 hari tidak ada rasio positif, dan tidak berada dalam 5% dari pasak, maka penyesuaian penawaran terjadi untuk secara otomatis membawa harga kembali ke pasak. Teknologi hasil tanpa gesekan juga disematkan dalam Rise Protocol, yang berarti hanya dengan memegang token Rise di dompet Anda, pemegang akan menerima token tambahan sebagai persentase dari setiap transaksi jual dan beli didistribusikan kembali ke pemegang. 

Apa itu struktur biaya Rise Protocol? 

Ada biaya 7% untuk semua penjualan.

 Ini dipecah menjadi berikut ini: 

3%: dikirim ke lubang hitam, dibakar dan dihancurkan selamanya.

 1,5%: terkunci secara permanen dalam likuiditas. 

 1,5%: didistribusikan secara otomatis ke penyedia likuiditas. 

 1%: didistribusikan secara otomatis melalui hasil tanpa gesekan ke semua pemegang. 

Ada biaya 3% untuk semua pembelian. Ini dipecah menjadi berikut ini: 1%: dikirim ke lubang hitam, dibakar dan dihancurkan selamanya. 0,5%: terkunci secara permanen dalam likuiditas. 0,5%: didistribusikan secara otomatis ke penyedia likuiditas. 1%: didistribusikan otomatis.

Untuk informasi lanjutan klik link berikut:

$RISE #ieo #blockchain #dot #bounty #defi #Rise #RiseProtocol #RebaseToken #FrictionlessYield #Rebases #DynamicPeg #blackhole #AutoLiquidity #AutoRewards.






Thursday, December 10, 2020

CYCLOPS FINANCE-Building the Future of Decentralized Gaming and NFT Assets


The main advantages of blockchain are its decentralization and open-source nature, which can significantly change the gaming market. The technology is taking trust between developers and players to a new level, and users can now own and freely exchange in-game assets without intermediaries and even between different games.This is also beneficial for game publishers, as they can earn extra revenue by selling game tokens and items

NFTs  become popular within the gaming industry, allowing for in-game items to be tokenized and easily transferred or exchanged. For example, NFTs can be used to transfer or exchange in-game items for currency, without the need to trust the buyer/seller or a third party. This type of system can be integrated with existing games or can be used to create entirely new games.

NFTs not only improve the game experience itself, making it more tangible and rewarding, but also create a new economy within games, allowing the players to earn actual money from their time spent in-game and the game developers to create new incentive systems for their games. While there are several popular blockchain-based games, many projects also leverage NFTs to provide infrastructure services for gamers, game developers and other participants of the industry.

Cyclops game (AKA Cyclops Finance) is a hybrid yield farming/NFT project that evolved from the typical yield farming projects. It is an NFT farming project that is developed into a gaming/puzzle dapp.It also a gaming platform that allow conventional games to easily integrate with the blockchain and monetize their game assets.

This video will guide you how the platform work and connect your wallet:


The platform is a decentralized platform, as such, anyone can purchase and own game assets, these assets include NFT game characters, NFT game weapons, NFT pets/creatures, NFT passages/gatekeeper/locks and much more.

As all these assets are integral in the way the games operate, all are used at some point to complete steps while playing any level, asset owners get rewards when their assets are used.

Owners of assets can sell or barter such asset, and anyone can create their own custom game dependent asset which is subject to approval.

It combines the concept of DeFi yield farming and NFT into fun games and puzzles. The games are developed such that each level is a treasure hunt adventure with actual treasures at the end of it. These treasures are the long-lost treasures of the cyclops brothers and can be claimed by players who succeed in completing such a level.

User can buy game weapons, gadgets, passage ownership and even feature as game character. These are all limited NFTs that form an integral part of how the platform works and can only be bought with CYTR tokens.

Game players can either bid/buy Weapons (NFTs) or hire Superhero (also NFTs) from owners of such, to complete different levels in the hunt for treasures games.

So what this means is, The NFTs are the most valuable asset as they are the tools needed to break the puzzle and get handsome rewards (treasures). In turn, the NFTs are tradable using CYTR tokens which also makes CYTR tokens valuable.

Native/Governance token information:

Token name: Cyclops Treasure

Token Ticker: CYTR

Total supply: 1000

The native token of Cyclops game is CYTR, its value proposition are as follows:

  1. Game assets can only be purchased using CYTR and ETH. Purchases using CYTR are discounted. When ETH is used, 50% of the ETH is converted to CYTR
  2. When players skip levels, use special game characters, or unlock special characters, they can do so by paying a fee in CYTR. It should be noted that options are available that do not require making a payment.
  3. Gamers are required to hold certain amount of CYTR to unlock higher levels.
  4. When a custom character or asset is approved to be created, owner of the character make payment for the character/asset to be integrated into the game and the payment is made in CYTR.
  5. Holders of CYTR will be able to vote on the integration of assets and will be able to vote on developmental goals of the platform.
  6. Treasure ruins at each level are valued in CYTR which are locked up in each level.
  7. So many other use-cases. But from what has been stated here, the whole operation of the platform is dependent on the assets and CYTR.

For more information on this project see the link below:


    • Uniswap Trading link:


    • Proof of liquidity lockup:


 #NFT #DeFi #Gaming #Blockchain #Ethereum







Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Emporium Finance

 E-commerce and cryptocurrency complement each other quite nicely since they share the same home, and both appeal to the digitally-savvy user. As an e-commerce retailer you should view cryptocurrency the same way you view your business. It’s an additional option for those looking for a fast and more convenient way to pay for goods and services. This shows the high demand for digitally-based payments among an online consumer base.

With cryptocurrency there is no need to go to a bank, withdraw money or even enter a credit card number before submitting a payment at checkout. Crypto Emporium is the world’s first Crypto-Only luxury emporium. Launched in February 2018 offering a wealth of high-end items available for purchase in Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Verge and Decred. From cars, yachts and property to watches and an extensive and affordable electronics department. Crypto Emporium makes use of industry contacts and international trade agreements to search for only the highest-quality of products at competitive prices.

The mission of Cryto Emporium is to create a blockchain-enabled economy by empowering merchants of all sizes to adopt e-commerce through digital currency without the need for advanced technical knowledge. By combining the features of major e-commerce platforms with the benefits of cryptocurrency. They aim to build the most comprehensive, simple and flexible marketplace in the world. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a currency meant to be used for online trade. To relegate this revolutionary technology for use as a ‘Store-of-Value’ or ‘Speculative Trading Tool’, is to take away entirely from the potential of distributed ledger technology.

Emporium.Finance is a Liquidity Mining Platform that will run for a period of 8 weeks starting 26/11/20. The intention is to distribute the CEFI token evenly and fairly by allowing users to provide liquidity and earn rewards via 9 specifically chosen liquidity pools. They will be running no pre-sale or private sale event that favours whales or large investors that manage to get into the project early and dump their tokens at a later date. It is accessible to all and offers participants the possibility of very high APY in tokens and CEFI tokens for the duration of the program.

CEFI is an ERC20 token built on the Ethereum Blockchain. All contracts and code can be viewed on the Emporium.Finance GitHub

The tokenomics of the CEFI token are one that further reveal the business intentions. The CEFI token has been designed and built with longevity and utility in mind. Tokens are fairly and evenly distributed throughout the initial LP period and beyond;

Image for post

Weekly Emission Schedule for CEFI Token

CEFI tokens will be earned by providing liquidity to one of  9 interest bearing pools. You can do this by connecting your wallet to app.emporium.finance. To introduce the idea of receiving cashback in tokens, Emporium.Finance has 3 pieces of limited edition merchandise for sale. By making a purchase through the website, users will receive CEFI tokens deposited to their ERC20 address within 24 hours. As voted for by community members each week, Crypto Emporium has allocated 815 CEFI tokens each week to be offered as ‘Cashback’ to incentivise purchases on the platform. This innovative system will seek to drive sales and reward buying activity.

Crypto Emporium aims to redefine loyalty participation programs with the introduction of the Governance Rewards program. This module is what really sets the business apart from any other platform. It is aimed at rewarding platform participants: both buyers and sellers for actions and activity on the Peer-to-Peer Marketplace.This decentralized and automated model creates a self-governing and resistance-managed platform whereby users can vote and decide on key platform business decision, participate in dispute handling and self organise around platform management. This empowers users in a way not seen before.

For more information please visit links below:

Website    : http://cryptoemporium.eu/

Telegram  : https://t.me/CryptoEmporiumGroup

Medium    : https://medium.com/@cryptoemporiumeu

Github       : https://github.com/Emporium-Finance

Instagram  : https://www.instagram.com/cryptoemporium/?hl=en

Reddit       : https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoEmporium/


Author :





Swan Finance, Bridge Between CeFi and DeFi Platforms


Bridge Between CeFi and DeFi Platforms

Centralized Finance (CeFi) is a service which is structured so that all orders are controlled by one central exchange with no other competing parties. The sole aim of CeFi is to make fair trades, boost more transactions, and increase buying and selling processes.

In simple terms, CeFi is a specialized financial service, built in a way that all orders (whether buying or selling) are channeled through central exchange. The stated prices quoted by the central exchange are the only available prices available for traders. With CeFi, the users have absolute trust in the people behind a business to professionally and legally manage funds and execute services the business is offering.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is made up of financial applications which operate mainly through a decentralized blockchain. It is a shortcut; it effectively cut out the middle man which many of the finance apps and platforms today makes use of. The aim of DeFi is to expand the values like Lending and Borrowing, Stocks (bonds, and other tradable assets), Asset storage, Insurance which cryptocurrency has brought to the financial sector over the past few years. Unarguably, DeFi improves the current centralized infrastructure.

Some Benefits of DeFi.

Autonomy — in DeFi ecosystem, your assets and money are yours and yours alone. This is absent in CeFi

Tradability — With DeFi, investors can trade more efficiently as they aren’t prone to an entire high-value investment at once.

Transparency — with DeFi, data is publicly available, it helps keep service providers honest.

Swan Finance acts as a bridge between the worlds of centralized and decentralized finance. It provides the best of both worlds. SwanFinance offers an easy to use interface for earning interest, while SwanCredit provides a decentralized platform for peer to peer lending. While the crypto deposits are securely locked up on the SwanFinance platform earning interest, users can use their crypto deposits as collateral and lend to others to earn additional interest on the SwanCredit platform through an Automatic Credit Swap.

The problem with DeFi platforms is that many of them are difficult to use and difficult to understand. SwanFinance will have an easy to use platform where registered users can lock up their crypto deposits and earn high interest on the SwanFinance platform while lending to others on the SwanCredit platform. So you will be able to earn interest both ways at the same time.

High Interest Rates. No Learning Curve. All On An Easy To Use Platform.

Swan Finance use an ERC20 token called SWAN. Use the SWAN token to get the best interest rate. Stake SWAN tokens to earn higher interest, up to 20% APY on SWAN tokens and up to 12% APY for other cryptocurrencies listed below. You can choose one month or three month deposit lockup periods. Interest is paid out every 7 days using the SWAN token.

Swan Ecosystem

Swan are starting with SwanFinance. But it is just the beginning of the Swan Ecosystem that will include: SwanCredit, SwanInvestments, SwanPay, Swan.Exchange, SwanTrade, and SwanWallet. There will be even more ways to receive benefits and discounts for staking and using SWAN tokens.

For more information please visit links:

Website Link : https://www.swanfinance.io/

Telegram Official Channel https://t.me/aiodexofficial

Telegram channel : https://t.me/swanfinancechannel

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/swanfinance.io

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/swanfinance



Author :




Friday, November 6, 2020

YUSRA Global


Cryptocurrency payment gateways allow businesses to accept transactions of cryptocurrencies as payment from customers in exchange for goods or services. These systems accept payments from any country and put an emphasis on security due to the nature of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies.

When the customer makes a purchase using a cryptocurrency as payment, the transaction often goes through the payment gateway at a fixed exchange rate and automatically converts to traditionally recognized fiat currency so the merchant can avoid the volatility of the cryptocurrency markets. However, some cryptocurrency payment gateways do not automatically transfer the cryptocurrency to fiat currency, allowing the merchant to hold the digital coins as long as they prefer, usually inside a cryptocurrency wallet.

 Cryptocurrency payment gateways tend to offer lower fees than traditional credit card payment systems. Some of these tools can be highly customizable and provide native dashboards to help track all payments. Bitcoin is the most commonly supported cryptocurrency used during transactions with these systems, but some gateways provide the ability to pay with alternative cryptocurrencies, such as Ether, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash, among others.

Cryptocurrency platform  must be a means of payment for goods and services that meet all the requirements for transferring value. Cryptocurrency as a digital asset must be a simple, fast and secure means of payment that can be used for purchases, delivery to other users, and used for investment. These are the issues on which the YUSRA token focuses.

YUSRA is a modern crypto capital investment token designed to meet your everyday needs. Based on the Waves coin, YUSRA aims to be the leader in its field of technology. Due to its innovative DPoS-like staking system it benefits all users, from beginners to professional traders. A steady and growing price is the guarantee of success. Now, YUSRA is in the fair way to creation of its own P2P exchange. Within the YUSRA ecosystem, all users will gain benefit and be able to spend YUSRA coins on many things in real life, it is also possible to stake your YUSRA to get more tokens.


 How to registered and generate new wallet in YUSRA global platform:

1. Sign up and registerd on https://yusra.global/. you can registered with your email.

2. Verify your email address. Go to your inbox mail and read the password from yusra global and sign in again. If you cant find please check spam folder.

3. After verify your email address than go to register wallet https://app.yusra.global/

4. Input your name and surname, phone number and your address (city and country).

 The YUSRA digital money is based on its own center - YUSRA BLOCKCHAIN, which is executed as a Waves token and persistently interfaces with the special YUSRA PoS innovation created. The Cryptocurrency YUSRA GLOBAL is the exemplification of the apparent multitude of best thoughts, arrangements and improvements in the field of blockchain advancements, collected together and designed so as to make a genuine decentralized methods for installment for ordinary use, which would be snappy and simple to utilize inside a shut eco framework, yet in addition in regular daily existence and in close joining with world business sectors. 

Yusra Global platform has a variety of decentralized modules which makes the platform unique and stands tall among the others.

Yusra Marketplace: This is free online trading platform similar to marketplace. You just need to register with this platform for you to buy and sell anything you want.

Yusra Vote: This is a voting platform designed for participants to assess the functionality of the yusra network suggest ways for the developers to optimise the system's operations. This makes Yusra user-oriented unlike other platforms.

Yusra Pay: This is a payment system highly decentralized, free from third party regulations and ensures maximum anonymity. Its level of security is incomparable because of the master nodes the Blockchain uses.

Yusra Portfolio: This is a research area. It allows the platform users to have in their possession not only Yusra coin but also other assets.

In addition to the above, The YUSRA cryptocurrency is built on its own core - #BlockchainYusra, which is implemented as a Waves token. This continuously interact with the unique YUSRA PoS algorithm developed so investors can invest their funds into it while miners too can mine YUSRA tokens through the PoS technology.

Yusra Global will not limit itself to the above features and modules but will also stretch its tentacles to deliver the best of services. Register with Yusra Global via our website (https://yusra.global/) to enjoy the full functionality of our system.

Other members can join it involving new users in the community; establishing YUSRA as a profitable project to invest in; improving performance in the development of subprojects, such as YUSRA MARKETPLACE, YUSRA PAY, DOBRO 2.0. Those who joined the node get a sequence number and stake their tokens in the total node “pool”.

Every YUSRA hodler is able to run a node. All you need is to register it and to activate through paying a fee which will be frozen in the node as a “zero balance”. Since the node has been verified, it will be started and listed in YUSRA nodes. User has run a node, registered it through paying “a zero balance” and staked 1000 YUSRA tokens. A next user joint the node and staked 500 YUSRA — s/he became Nr.2. Furthermore, next ten users joint the node stake 5000 YUSRA tokens per person

In one year of existence, the value of the YUSRA token has grown from 1$ to $3.31, which is more than 330% of growth!

As of October 1, 2020:

YUSRA’s market capitalization is $52.5 million.

The average daily turnover of trading on exchanges is more than $90,000.

Liquidity level on stock exchanges is over $200,000.

The main trading volume falls on the YUSRA/USDT trading pair on the Hotbit exchange.

The average price on the exchanges is $3.31.

Tokens in circulation – 16.5 million YUSRA.

YUSRA takes full advantage of the Waves blockchain, including the high transaction speed of 1,000 transactions per second (TPS). This is more than enough for the normal functioning of the YUSRA network under any load. YUSRA provides processing of a large number of transactions without

latency found in traditional blockchain systems.

For more information please visit links:

Website: https://yusra.global

Whitepaper: https://yusra.global/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/YusraGlobal

Twitter: https://twitter.com/YusraGlobal

#YusraGlobal #Yusra #CryptoYusra #BlockchainYusra



